Thursday, May 8, 2008


The car is finished. I'm not satisfied with the end result, but who can I blame except myself?
My son Jonathan came to visit yesterday and we had the following conversation about the car:
CQ: I'm done with the car. I'm not happy with it.
J: Let's see're not happy with it because it isn't really finished. You need to add some details.
(He gives me some advice on which details and how I might accomplish them).
CQ: I will never do those things. I'm disappointed that I
didn't do a better job to begin with and I've lost interest. Thanks for your input and candid observations.
J: We don't need to bulls..t around with pleasantries
and self-congratulatory yap; we're both artists and we just
need to get stuff done.
CQ: I miss having you around JT.
J: If you aren't going to finish the car, can I have it to work on?

I'll publish a photo of the car in a day or so.
This whole Flintstone car fiasco signals to me that there are things on the 'before I die' list that need to be gently nudged off the roster.
I still want an Airstream trailer though.
What's next? Maybe cubicle doors fashioned from...what else?
Additional...just so you know, I don't really consider making a Flintstone car to be 'art'. JT and I both dabble in a variety of mediums.


groovelily said...

My Dearest Cardboard Queen...

Can't wait to see the Flinestone mobile. I think most artistic people are very critical of their own work. Us of the less artistic mold are just happy to have created something that is recognizable.

It sounds like your son knows you well, and has a little wisdom in there waiting to burst through all the layers of youth.

Revising and comtemplating the "before i die list" is a good thing... personally i love lists, and yet have never had one of those. But giving direction and thought to ones life... as martha would say, it's a good thing.

ciao bella!

groovelily said...

oh and repeating the same phrase twice in one paragraph? it's a good thing too. :) maybe that's why they included that preview button...

cardboard queen said...

You can never have too much of a good thing!

Captain ILL said...

Making a Flintstone car is certainly art, at it will be up to your adoring fans to determine if the word "fiasco" is appropriate.