Sunday, July 20, 2008

cobb galore

Cobb on! This past Saturday my husband and I spent an enjoyable morning up to our ankles in cobb. We had the awesome opportunity to participate in a 'cobbing bee' at the home of Brina and Darin Burke. To make cobb you squidge around barefoot in a mixture of sand, clay, straw, and water. When you get just the right consistency you plop it onto the in-progress structure. 
I'm always looking to learn something new so I was thrilled to attend this session. I can't say that I would build something out of cobb in my own yard (it's very cool, but a load of work) but I enjoyed learning about the process. 
The most amazing thing to me about the 'bee' was the cast of participants. As we worked on our batch of cobb, helpers arrived in a steady trickle. It was clear right away that most of the volunteers had never met Brina or Darin in person. They seemed to be part of a greater community of cobb-lovers who connect one way or another on the Internet and invite each other over for a glorious day of cobbing. It was instant camaraderie over a shared passion. Who knew that such things were going on in secluded backyards all around the greater Puget Sound? Getting to spend time with cobbers could change my mind about cobbing in my own backyard. Thanks Brina and Darin for a fabulous morning!


Anonymous said...

And all this time I thought that "cobbing" was a corn eating contest kind of like they do on Coney Island with hot dogs on the Fourth of July.

Thanks for enlightening us.


Captain ILL said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that "cob" had something to do with corn.

groovelily said...

personally, i had my money on cobbler. peach cobbler, apple cobbler, cherry cobbler...

Sounds like a good time...