Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I had no problem loading my media player. Which was a nice surprise since I tend to be a bit challenged in that area. I admit that I had a dependence on Joe for tech support at the beginning of this process, but in the past few weeks I have tried to go cold turkey and figure things out for myself. (It's not as big a victory as you might think since I have downloaded a media player once before).
I found a favorite author and was downloading a novel within 5 minutes of downloading my player.
It surprised me that I could burn some selections to disk.

delicious tags

Tagging is a useful shortcut. The best part is being able to access your favorites from any computer.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

wiki wacky woo

I enjoyed learning about wikis and see that they could be a great tool, especially in an environment where you have many people working on a project together. I don't know how I would use them in my work environment, but you never know.


Check out my awesome Airstream that a friend made for me. It's not just an Airstream; it's also breakfast, lunch, and dinner! (Dark blob behind the Airstream is Jones, my some-what snotty cat).

at long last

Here it is. I realize only now that I should have included something in the photo for size comparison. It's about 12" in length. I did take some creative license with the upholstery.
(That's a tiny bit of my 600-square foot paver patio that shows in a couple of the photos. No cardboard involved in that...but what a project).

Thursday, May 8, 2008


The car is finished. I'm not satisfied with the end result, but who can I blame except myself?
My son Jonathan came to visit yesterday and we had the following conversation about the car:
CQ: I'm done with the car. I'm not happy with it.
J: Let's see it...you're not happy with it because it isn't really finished. You need to add some details.
(He gives me some advice on which details and how I might accomplish them).
CQ: I will never do those things. I'm disappointed that I
didn't do a better job to begin with and I've lost interest. Thanks for your input and candid observations.
J: We don't need to bulls..t around with pleasantries
and self-congratulatory yap; we're both artists and we just
need to get stuff done.
CQ: I miss having you around JT.
J: If you aren't going to finish the car, can I have it to work on?

I'll publish a photo of the car in a day or so.
This whole Flintstone car fiasco signals to me that there are things on the 'before I die' list that need to be gently nudged off the roster.
I still want an Airstream trailer though.
What's next? Maybe cubicle doors fashioned from...what else?
Additional...just so you know, I don't really consider making a Flintstone car to be 'art'. JT and I both dabble in a variety of mediums.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

youtube, etc.

I'm not sure how I would use YouTube, Hulu, or Fancast in my work environment, but I enjoyed checking them out. Hulu was a fun look back at the television programs I watched as a child. At first I couldn't get too excited about YouTube, but then I started searching for topics that I'm interested in and found lots of art and craft videos and some for interesting stuff to do with cardboard. I continue to be amazed at the range of information available and how generous people are in sharing their skills and abilities via videos. I must admit that I enjoy YouTube the most with my son. He finds the best bits and enthusiastically shares them with me.
I had no end of trouble trying to embed a video into this blog. As you can see, I was unsuccessful.

Friday, May 2, 2008

what went wrong?

Just so you know, I didn't intend for the text to turn out so wonky on my last post. I tried to edit, but couldn't make it happen. Send tips on how to edit!

vinyl lives on

This is a photo of my most recent non-Flintstone crafting. It's a popcorn
bowl made from a record album. I found the directions in a book titled
Pod Parties that was a gag gift from thisandthat. The book was full of interesting party tidbits and projects. Before anyone panics, I had two copies of this album so I'm not out any music. In fact, if I was to keep it, I could put my feet up and listen to Elton John on one record, while I enjoyed popcorn served in it's twin.
As it happens, I made this particular bowl to give as a hostess gift. I usually give wine as a hostess gift, but this host has confessed that he doesn't know the difference between a decent glass of wine and a tumbler full of grape juice mixed with vodka. Cheers.