Wednesday, April 23, 2008


After goofing around at home last night and fiddling with it some more this morning and asking Joe (yet again; what would I do without him?) and Brenda for help I was able to get my MySpace page up and going. At least I think it's going. To be honest, I'm fairly ambivalent about MySpace and it's sister sites. It seems both silly and sort of dangerous.


Schwager? said...

Myspace is harmless unless you combine the raw power of myspace and facebook and you get enough social networking to rule the world.

cardboard queen said...

Cha. How can you trust any of it? Social network? Cha. Tell me how a global social network has made your life better in any tangible ways.
In my opinion what Myspace and facebook show us is that we are a planet of people who lie and deceive with ease. Inhibitions are suspended because there are no consequences for fibbing. Sure, if you are being really naughty and you get caught you can get into big trouble. But casual fibbing and fudging of the truth (when there is little chance of getting caught) is just too darn attractive. We have this venue to show off and pontificate and we seem to love it. But it's not the real world and manners don't seem to apply. I find it fascinating that we are a planet of closet exhibitionists. If, in the end, all this access makes us better as individuals and as a society then I will change my opinion. Until then I think it's silly and dangerous.

preschool said...

Hey, Lady. How ya' doing?
I agree with your comment.
Too many people think that by posting their most intimate thoughts are that they are not responsible for what happens in response to their actions. My thought being around the Florida teenage girls, and two guys, who thought that they could post the beating of another teenager and not have to pay for their behavior.

groovelily said...

cha is one of my sis fav words...

Anyway, i agree queenie. I cringe when i see these girls nearly prostituting themselves on-line. They see their only value being what they have to offer in the way of looks and sex. The half dressed suggestive poses are depressing... and they won't know for years yet what the impact is.

I think the internet and the whole girl's gone wild thing has turned a large majority of twenty something girls into, well sluts, and the "men", well they seem to think this is the way of the world now. I know this isn't every one.... but it seems to be so accepted. I think i got off topic.... lol.