Wednesday, April 30, 2008

bogged blog

I feel like my blog has been bogged down under the weight of the much-anticipated Flintstone car. And I'm the one with most of the anticipation. I had to change the size because I couldn't make it work with the cardboard tube of choice. Once I accepted the need for a size change, I was back on track. I've been up at 5 every morning this week cutting and gluing. So far, the supply list includes: a different (and somehow more fabulous) cardboard tube, corrugated cardboard, dowel, fabric, white paint, PVC pipe, mod podge, washers cut from a plastic milk carton, and half a container of partially hardened spackle (argh!). The wheels are complete so I feel like I'm over the most fiddly phase of the project. Now I need to decide if I want right or left-hand drive since the car is depicted both ways. So that's what has been happening with the car.
If this project hadn't been on my 'things to do before I die' list since the late 60's, I would have abandoned it. But it would eventually creep back onto the list; and let's be realistic, I'm more than halfway to the end so I need to get cracking on some of the items a bit further up on the list.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


After goofing around at home last night and fiddling with it some more this morning and asking Joe (yet again; what would I do without him?) and Brenda for help I was able to get my MySpace page up and going. At least I think it's going. To be honest, I'm fairly ambivalent about MySpace and it's sister sites. It seems both silly and sort of dangerous.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Flintstones mobile

Flintstones mobile
Originally uploaded by tygerlyl

The whole Flickr process was pretty painless. One or two things that I tried to make work were a bust, but that has more to do with me than it does with Flickr, I'm sure. I look forward to using it again in the near future.
Check out this adorable Flintstone ride. This encourages me to amp up my creative ideas for my car.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

distracted me

I have been distracted of late reading and commenting on my favorite blogs and fussing with my play list on Finetune. I can see how noodling around on the computer can become a several hour a day thing...go figure. And I admit that I have been stumped in the design phase of my Flintstone car...this must be the reason why I didn't make one of these darn cars when I was a kid, what a fiddle. I'm still on the project, it's just slower going than I anticipated.

Monday, April 14, 2008

streaming revisited

OK, I stand corrected; streaming music is pretty nifty. Jazzergigi helped me embed my Finetune player into my blog so anyone who visits can check out what I'm listening to.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fred's ride

I'm hard at work collecting supplies for my Flintstone car. Captain ILL has generously provided several awesome photos of Fred's car from a recent Daily ILL pick. Today when I got home from work, I dug Fred out of storage (I might put him in the fridge to freak Bill out when he gets home later). This weekend I will take him shopping with me...for inspiration and because I think it will be a laugh. Look for the first project-in-progress photos on Monday. 

streaming music

I signed up with FineTune and spent some time creating my own unique play list. I'm not sure I would ever use this format, and to be honest I haven't actually listened to my choices yet, but it was a fun memory jogger to come up with a list of 45 songs. One nifty feature was the list of related artists that popped up with each of my choices; which really cut down on time spent. Maybe I'm too old and impatient to invest the time necessary to search around for favorite songs. I'm just as happy clicking on my ipod or listening to my CD of Aja for the 500th time.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

freeze frames

These are images of an existing box (that started life protecting a book) that I made into a wine glass carrier. It holds four glasses and a corkscrew and it tucks nicely between all those cases of wine we usually end up buying on jaunts to Walla Walla or Zillah. I attached purse handles, padded the inside with quilt batting and fabric, piped the edge and...viola! for a few bucks and minimal time investment I have a spiffy little picnic tote.
These are not my most exciting or creative cardboard projects...but I did promise photos. That's the thing about cardboard, when what you create has out- lived it's usefulness, the recycle bin is only a toss away.

freeze frames are some of my adventures with cardboard and boxes.
The top image is a custom box that I designed for my son for a high school biology project...(yes, I am the kind of mother who meddles and helps too much).
The second image is a cardboard book truck that I designed for my Nancy Pearl action figure. I canabalized a toy dump truck for the wheels.
The third image is a box that I created to store stuff when I was working in an area that had zero personal space. It's a Costco-sized Quaker Oatmeal box that I turned inside out, attached wooden legs to, and painted black. A button sewn to the top and a ribbon with a useless key keep it closed. (I turned it inside out because paint didn't adhere well to the slick outside). I've had this box kicking around for at least five years.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

RSS and more

I had a disappointing time with RSS. On a more pleasant note, I have had a couple of positive comments about my Flintstone car project so I will get busy and gather some supplies. Stay tuned for in-progress photos...probably at the beginning of next week.