Thursday, March 27, 2008

time to create

I know I promised photos, and I will eventually include some. The trouble is that most of what has survived doesn't thrill me that much. But a promise is a promise. What I am thinking about today is finally doing a project from my 'before I die' list. This one goes way, way back. It's a Fred Flintstone car. That's right Fred Flintstone and, of course, Wilma. Hmmm, I don't remember if Wilma ever drove the car. No matter, I have always wanted to make one. And, as luck would have it, I have a Fred doll just the right size for this endeavour. The fact that I have a Fred doll probably doesn't surprise anyone who knows me well, or only slightly. 
I will need a cardboard tube for the wheels. I think I may have one. If anyone sends me positive comments regarding this project, I will consider posting photos of my progress on the project. 


thisandthat said...

Funny you should be looking for a cardboard tube... In my search for unusual book titles, I did locate a book that might help you out:
101 Super Uses for Tampon Applicators : A Helpful Guide for the Environmentally Conscious Consumer of Feminine Hygiene Products by Barbara Meyer and Lori Katz. Let me know how it works out for you.

cardboard queen said...

Well, well, aren't we creative. I have so many questions and yet none of them seems appropriate for this venue.

Jazzergigi said...

LOL! Thisandthat finally found a way to blog about that amazing title she found. Good job!! And pardon me while I just sit here for a while and revel in the visual of Fred driving around on Wilma's used tampon applicators. It seems like a good enough excuse to aid in my quest to put-off the house-work I need to be doing...

"So many books, so little time"

cardboard queen said...

OK Jazzergigi that's going just a bit too far, it did make me laugh though! Poor Fred, can you picture him at the corner store picking up a box of of tampons for Wilma. Barney would be your man for that...and he would bring home flowers. Fred would bring home a jumbo tub of curly fries and a racing form.
THANKFULLY, I need a much bigger tube to for the car I have in mind.

thisandthat said...

You guys are hilarious! I used to think Barney was the perfect husband... but then it started bothering me that he didn't have a moustache, and Barney was left by the wayside...sorry, Barney.

cardboard queen said...

Hey thisandthat, I seem to recall an episode with Fred and Barney posing as Frenchmen and I think they had 'staches.
Barney is the perfect husband. He's like Wally Cleaver grown up and shorter. If Barney could wear chinos he'd be extra-perfect.
When I was homeschooling and using cartoons as my main teaching aide, I would tell my son this: Fred is the perfect example of the kind of man I don't want you to be when you grow up. So far so good. There was a 'dress like Shaggy' phase that had me a bit concerned.
I hope you kept that tampon craft book.

still confused said...

I would love to see your Flintstone car when it's finished. I'm a big fan. yaba daba doo!