Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Blog Blather

Good job thisandthat45...I had no idea that Wodehouse had written any plays. And good for you that you were able to suspend your bordering-on-obsession love of Hugh Laurie to even think of him as the hapless Bertie Wooster. 
I am still working on the photo thing to showcase past projects and I have been out with some nasty flu-ish bug; but I have been working on a vision board, er box, project (I know, how woo-woo can you get, right?) ANYWAY, it involves a box that I brought home from a book-making class (actual books, not 'making book' as in taking bets on events like boxing or horse racing...though I won't totally rule out that avenue if the vision box thing doesn't pan out). Back to the box...I purchased a quart of magnetic paint (to paint a wall in my house) and used some to paint the inside of my box. This stuff is FABULOUS. After just 3 coats the magnetic tape that you can get cheap, cheap, cheap at the craft store sticks like a dream! End result is black in color, but you can paint any color over it since it acts as a primer. I am giddy just thinking about the possible applications! (In addition to being the reigning cardboard queen I am also the magnet queen). No image is safe from my scissors. I am currently cutting up art books, but that's probably another blog altogether. 


Jazzergigi said...

Hi Queenie! I thought I'd reciprocate and check out your blog as well. Very nice! I responded to your comments on my blog on "thisandthat", since that was where the original topic started. I was worried that folks might become confused by the discussion on my if I get so much "traffic" to really warrant worrying about such things. LOL!

At any rate, thanks for stopping by to check it out and feel free to drop in anytime and see what's going on. I've made a few changes already... And I've added your blog to my favorites, so I'll be back. :-)

"So many books, so little time". Jazzergigi

thisandthat said...

Thanks for the kudos, CQ. But what do you mean "bordering-on-obsession love" of Hugh Laurie"? It's not "bordering-on", it's full-blown addiction! True, as Bertie Wooster he isn't exactly the ladies man, but throw on a coarse attitude and that wonderfully masculine facial hair that he sports in House,MD., and you have the sexiest man who ever lived! (OK, maybe it's time to seek counseling.)