Thursday, June 26, 2008

my avatar

First of all, everyone who sees me on a daily basis will recognize that the only thing about my avatar that even remotely resembles me is the gray hair and dark eyes. Having said that, I did find creating my avatar to be interesting and maybe a bit disturbing. The choice of attire was a trip through fantasy land...though I'm not sure whose fantasy I was tripping though! I know it's about creating a fun looks-like-me (sort of) alter ego, but most of the choices made me feel like I was creating an ava-tart. And let's face it, at my age the whole tart wannabe thing is a distant, albeit pleasant memory.


Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Tools Galore

I can think of many ways to use Google Doc. What a great tool to share the load when working on a project with other people. This would be a useful tool in my personal life to access the balance sheet that my husband and I keep on our joint checking account. And Zoho has lots of potential. The best thing about both of these (from my perspective) is that they are very user-friendly.

Friday, June 13, 2008

pedal to the metal

I enjoyed cruising around with the different search engines and found some interesting sites.
I'm interested in Rollyo, but as usual my attention span for figuring out how to use it was pretty short.

Monday, June 9, 2008

pods for everyone

I have used iTunes pretty extensively in the past; but that's my only brush with podcasts to date. I think the opportunity to capture first person-accounts of past events is an exciting use of podcasts...especially local history.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

last week

This lesson was more about seeing what you could do rather than learning how to do it. I made a monopoly card; but I didn't feel I had the luxury of time to figure out how to put my head on a different body. Too bad, because that has been a life-long dream of mine.