Thursday, March 27, 2008

time to create

I know I promised photos, and I will eventually include some. The trouble is that most of what has survived doesn't thrill me that much. But a promise is a promise. What I am thinking about today is finally doing a project from my 'before I die' list. This one goes way, way back. It's a Fred Flintstone car. That's right Fred Flintstone and, of course, Wilma. Hmmm, I don't remember if Wilma ever drove the car. No matter, I have always wanted to make one. And, as luck would have it, I have a Fred doll just the right size for this endeavour. The fact that I have a Fred doll probably doesn't surprise anyone who knows me well, or only slightly. 
I will need a cardboard tube for the wheels. I think I may have one. If anyone sends me positive comments regarding this project, I will consider posting photos of my progress on the project. 

instant chat

I did my instant chat today. Honestly, it doesn't do that much for me. I remember now that I tried it years ago and had the same trouble then that I had today...I text out of turn and the conversation gets wonky.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Blog Blather

Good job thisandthat45...I had no idea that Wodehouse had written any plays. And good for you that you were able to suspend your bordering-on-obsession love of Hugh Laurie to even think of him as the hapless Bertie Wooster. 
I am still working on the photo thing to showcase past projects and I have been out with some nasty flu-ish bug; but I have been working on a vision board, er box, project (I know, how woo-woo can you get, right?) ANYWAY, it involves a box that I brought home from a book-making class (actual books, not 'making book' as in taking bets on events like boxing or horse racing...though I won't totally rule out that avenue if the vision box thing doesn't pan out). Back to the box...I purchased a quart of magnetic paint (to paint a wall in my house) and used some to paint the inside of my box. This stuff is FABULOUS. After just 3 coats the magnetic tape that you can get cheap, cheap, cheap at the craft store sticks like a dream! End result is black in color, but you can paint any color over it since it acts as a primer. I am giddy just thinking about the possible applications! (In addition to being the reigning cardboard queen I am also the magnet queen). No image is safe from my scissors. I am currently cutting up art books, but that's probably another blog altogether. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

unexpected connection

Today I had an unexpected connection with Captain ILL over that wonderful 'useless son' Bertie Wooster and his fabulous valet Jeeves. I have long been a fan of P.G. Wodehouse and his cast of wack-a-doodle characters. Over the past 30 years I have waxed poetic to many a friend on how absolutely delightful these stories are. Mostly I was ignored, barely tolerated, and in a few cases out and out despised. I was successful in converting my one and only child, Jonathan. What does this have to do with cardboard? Nothing that I can think of except that I once made a larger-than-life cardboard cutout of a Frenchish waiter...who could pass for a Jeeves look-a-like if you stand way back and squint. If YOU can think of a connection between Jeeves and Wooster and cardboard please reply soon (and often).

blogging thoughts

So far, I am enjoying the blog process. I have a great resource in Captain ILL for help with my technical questions. I want to post some photos and maybe some music.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Photo requests

I have had a request to share photos of my cardboard creations. I have kept a few things that I have constructed over the years. but most of my creations go the way of the recycle bin once their usefulness has come to an end. Over the years I have created several puppet theaters, doll houses, all manner of containers to hold interesting bits of stuff, Halloween costumes, at least 2 models of the Great Pyramid, and countless other less-interesting items. Stay tuned for more info on cardboard and as soon as I can get Joe to help me sort it all out, I'll post some photos.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Today I found some excellent cardboard boxes in the recycling bin that lives just outside of IT. The best thing about items found in this bin is that there are often multiples; which is nice if you want to make several items that are more or less identical.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Getting started with my blog was easier than I had anticipated. It's pretty exciting to think about getting my big opinion out to an even wider audience than I enjoy in my mailroom.
The name of my blog doesn't describe my personality.
It's a literal description of one of my life-long creative
pursuits: making stuff out of cardboard! It all started
sometime during the 'Barbie' years. My Barbie
had a house full of furniture and gear made mostly out
of cardboard...and it just went on and on from there.
Most recently I have been creating custom boxes
for mailing things; but I'm always on the lookout
for that special box or bit of cardboard because you
never know when the next great cardboard-inspired
project will present itself.